Included within the total investments, the following asset categories contain unlisted securities as follows: UK and overseas fixed and variable interest stocks, overseas property funds and private equity funds.
The historic cost of investments held at 28 February 2023 was £1,478,000,000 (2022: £1,535,700,000).
The cash at bank and in hand represents the deposits and cash used to finance the National Trust on a day-to-day basis.
The investments held by the Charity were as stated above with the exception of cash at bank and in hand. Cash held by the Charity amounted to £1,326,000 (2022: £1,554,000).
There is no single underlying asset that represents more than 5% of total investments. The investment funds that represent more than 5% of total investments comprise: 119 legacies, approximate value £5.8 million) that had not been included in income as uncertainties exist over the measurement of the Trust’s entitlement.